September 28 – October 4, 2025
Planning to participate in Neighboring Week? Please let us know by submitting your event to Max Loves Midland community calendar. Be sure to include “Neighboring” as one of your event tags, so it shows up in the right place.
If you choose to also create a Facebook event, please feel free to make Midland Area Cultural Awareness Coalition a co-host!
Please note: Neighboring Week events are independently planned by organizations and people in the community.
Midland County residents can apply online for grants up to $100. These will be awarded on a first come first served basis to those who qualify, until all funds have been distributed.
This grant can be used for: block parties, ice cream socials, neighbor care packages, and more!
Midland County Neighboring Week, organized annually by the Midland Area Cultural Awareness Coalition, aims to realize Midland’s vision of being an inclusive, thriving community. This event features activities by various organizations, neighborhoods, and businesses to foster connections, nurture friendships, and celebrate community. Inspired by the idea of “loving thy neighbor,” Neighboring Week began in 2011 to build community beyond religious boundaries. It has since evolved into a broader celebration of neighborliness. Anyone can participate by joining events, planning activities, or simply being a good neighbor. The week emphasizes intentional acts of kindness and generosity, reinforcing the idea that everyone in Midland deserves to feel they belong. Kicking off Global Diversity Month, Neighboring Week underscores Midland’s commitment to belonging, highlighting the importance of community engagement in promoting wellbeing and attracting talent. It showcases what makes Midland County a special place to call home.
Midland County Neighboring Week Events
All events using the Neighboring tag will appear here throughout the year!