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Art Builds

Why Origami? Our warm connection to Japanese culture throughout Midland’s history, along with the relationship we have with our sister city, Handa, Japan, inspired our choice of an origami crane to represent Public Arts Midland. We love how origami engages both sides of our brains as we create. Our city’s passion for culture, STEM, and the arts is perfectly communicated through this endeavor. We hope this will both unite and inspire our community.

Each fold in our community, every new development, every human interaction, every bit of growth contributes to Midland Soaring. TOGETHER, FORWARD, BOLD we fly.

We had two major projects this summer. First was our call to help fold paper cranes this year and those cranes were made into mobiles that were placed around town. Thank you to everyone who helped us fold, created mobiles, and hosted the mobiles. Second was an open call to artists to create a sculpture of an origami crane. This project was awarded to the talented, Jim Ardis. His sculpture now resides in Grove Park, in Mid-town Midland, where it has affectionately come to be know as “Pointy Flap-Flap.”

Mobiles were hosted by Arnold Center, Bricks Real Estate Experts, Cottage Creamery, Coyer Candle Co., Craft Works Creative Studio, Little Forks Outfitters, Live Oak Coffeehouse, Midland Area Community Foundation,  Midland Brewing Co., Parker Lane Design Studio, Peel ‘n Pare, The Tax Cafe, Serendipity Road, Shine, Smith’s Flowers, Swae’, The Arc of Midland, The Plaid Giraffe, The Tax Cafe, and UpBeat Music Academy. Thank you!

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