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Midland Area Community Foundation’s Give Local Midland Event returns to benefit nonprofits

Give Local Midland, the annual giving event for nonprofit organizations with endowed funds at the Midland Area Community Foundation, will be pivoting operations to react to community needs for a second consecutive year. The goal of Give Local Midland is to build long-term sustainability through growing nonprofit endowment funds. This year funds raised from donors will be made available for immediate use, with matching dollars pledged for long-term investment.

“The mission of the Midland Area Community Foundation is to provide philanthropic leadership to strengthen our community by fostering collaboration and giving, today and in the future,” said Sharon Mortensen, President & CEO of the Midland Area Community Foundation. “Give Local Midland represents a core value of the Midland Area Community Foundation to support long-term growth and, at the same time, be reactive to growing needs in our community.

On May 4th, over 70 area nonprofits will engage in the 24-hour giving day: raising money, promoting engagement, and elevating awareness of the inspiring work of Midland area nonprofits. Nonprofits will encourage the support of their organizations while competing for $3000 in additional prizes. Competitions for prizes vary in criteria and evaluation, some of which are based on time, creativity, and the number of donors.

“Many local nonprofits have not been able to host their annual fundraisers,” said Mortensen. “Give Local Midland provides nonprofits a vehicle to raise funds and support their operational budgets.”

In addition to pledged contributions and prize winnings, Give Local participants will also be splitting a percentage-based match pool. Over $70,000 in match dollars have been committed by the Community Foundation and Donor Advised Fundholders. The match pool makes Give Local Midland the perfect time to give to area nonprofits by maximizing community contributions. All match pool dollars will support long-term sustainability.

For community members interested in giving, it’s as simple as visiting on May 4th. All participating organizations are listed on the site, and the minimum contribution amount is $5, reaffirming the idea that anyone can be a philanthropist.

To learn more about Give Local Midland or other Community Foundation initiatives, visit or call (989) 839-9661.

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